Most kids have learning disorders from birth, often known as learning impairments, suffer academically long before being diagnosed. This might have an impact on a child’s self-esteem and drive. Learn how to spot the causes of a learning disability and what you can do to aid your kid with homeopathic treatment.
What precisely is a learning disability (LD)?
Learning disability is a neurological disorder that impairs the brain’s capacity to send, receive, and process information. A youngster with a learning impairment may struggle with reading, writing, speaking, listening, mathematical concepts, and general comprehension. Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia are all examples of learning difficulties. Each disease can coexist with another.
What learning disabilities do not exist?
Some youngsters are sluggish learners at first, but they gradually learn and can manage their academics and other activities. Some children may not be interested in certain sorts of learning (for example, learning a new language, a specialized activity or skill, or an academic subject) or in sports or other outside activities. These characteristics reflect the child’s interests and do not indicate a learning problem.
What factors contribute to learning disabilities?
According to experts, there is no reason for learning disability that explains its causes. However, the following variables may contribute to a learning disability:
- Heredity: A kid whose parents have a learning handicap is more likely to have the same issue
- Disorders during and after birth: Learning difficulties can be caused by a sickness or injury during or after birth. Other potential risk factors include intoxicants or alcohol use during pregnancy, physical trauma, poor uterine development, low birth weight, and early or protracted labor
- Stress in infancy: A stressful event after delivery, such as a high temperature, a head injury, or insufficient nourishment
- Increased exposure: To pollutants such as lead in the environment (in paint, ceramics, toys, etc.)
- Comorbidity: Children with learning difficulties are more likely to have attention issues or disruptive behavior disorders than the general population. Up to 25% of children with reading difficulty also have ADHD. In contrast, it is believed that between 15% and 30% of children diagnosed with ADHD have a learning disability
What are the symptoms of a learning disability?
The kid is supposed to learn a particular set of fundamental cognition and motor abilities throughout normal physiological development. Any major delay or gap in development may indicate causes of learning disability. Before identifying the disease, doctor must perform a set of well-researched and verified examinations.
The symptoms of LD may differ differently at each stage of development.
The kid may experience some of these issues in preschool:
- Developing speaking abilities at a regular age (15-18 months), when children’s speech normally develops
- Simple word pronunciation
- Identifying letters and words
- Numbers, rhymes, and songs may all be learned
- Keeping the focus on duties
- Observing rules and instructions
Performing physical activities by using fine/gross motor abilities.
Primary School:
The youngster may struggle with:
- Putting letters and sounds together
- Differentiating between words that sound similar or rhyming ones
- Correct reading, spelling, and writing
- Distinguishing right from left, for example, mixing up 25 and 52, “b” and “d,” “on” and “no,” and “s” and “5”
- Recognizing alphabetic letters
- Using the proper mathematical symbols while solving math problems
- Recalling numbers or information
- The youngster may be slower than other children their age when learning new abilities
- Memorizing poetry or responses
- Understanding the Time Concept
- Hand-to-eye coordination, inability to judge distance or speed, resulting in accidents
- Fine brain skills and tasks include holding a pencil, tying a shoelace, buttoning a blouse, and so on
- Keeping track of personal belongings such as stationery
Secondary School:
The youngster may struggle with:
- Similar word spellings (sea/see, week/weak), use of prefixes and suffixes
- Reading aloud, writing activities, and arithmetic word problems (the child may avoid doing tasks involving these skills)
- Writing by hand (child may grip the pencil tightly)
- Memorizing or remembering information
- Recognizing and interpreting body language and facial expressions
- In a learning disability, displaying appropriate emotional reactions (the child may behave in an aggressive or rebellious way and react with an excess of emotion)
High school:
The learner may struggle with:
- Correctly spelled words (the child may write the same word with different spellings in a single writing assignment)
- Reading and writing assignments
- Summarizing, paraphrasing, and responding to application difficulties or questions in examinations are examples of summarization and paraphrasing.
- Memory lapses
- Getting used to unfamiliar surroundings
- Recognizing abstract ideas
Consistent focus: the youngster may struggle to concentrate on certain things while focusing excessively on others

What are the risk factors for having a learning disability?
A variety of variables contribute to the development of learning difficulties. Not everyone with risk factors will develop learning disability causes. The following are risk factors for learning disabilities:
- Prenatal alcohol or intoxicants exposure
- Birth trauma or anguish
- In utero or postnatal exposure to neurologic or central nervous system damage
- Heredity
- Inadequate fostering environment
- Birth weight is too light
- In children, medications such as cancer or leukemia treatments
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Premature childbirth
- Deficits in sensory perception, such as hearing loss or poor eyesight
- Lowering your child’s chances of developing learning difficulties
While you cannot avoid certain learning disability causes, you may be able to reduce your child’s risk by doing the following:
- Avoiding all forms of alcohol, cigarettes, and intoxicants before, during, and after pregnancy
- Avoiding toxic substances during pregnancy and after the birth of your child
- With your health care practitioner, carefully weigh the risks and advantages of your child’s medicines
- Taking steps to remove stressful effects from your child’s home and social environment
- Obtaining immediate assistance to repair any diagnosed sensory deficiencies, particularly a hearing loss or poor eyesight
- Getting your child’s early childhood screenings and discussing early childhood development milestones with your child’s health care provider
- Limiting medicines during pregnancy and nursing to protect your kid
- Providing a nutritious diet and a safe environment for your kid
Seek early help if your kid has a learning handicap or is at risk of developing one.
What is the distinction between a learning handicap and a learning challenge?
In general, a learning impairment is a condition that impacts learning and intelligence in all aspects of life, whereas a learning problem is a condition that provides an impediment to a specific type of learning but does not influence an individual’s overall IQ. Down’s syndrome, for example, is classified as a learning disability, but dyslexia is classified as a learning difficulty since it simply impacts an individual’s connection to information processing, which is often shown in difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling.
Homeopathy treatment for learning disability
Homeopathy is a non-invasive alternative medicine that treats people’s health problems. These are made from natural substances and are suitable for people of all ages.
Homeopathy treatment produces natural, side-effect-free miracles. Homeopathy treatment is appropriate for acute and chronic diseases, including influenza medication. It helps in the acute phase of the sickness and the treatment of long-term post-viral effects such as post-viral arthritis, asthma, fatigue, etc.
If you are worried about your kid’s abnormal behavior, we have assured satisfaction for more details call us: +91 7674004000, +91 7337440845 or WhatsApp us.