Learning Disabilities - Positive Autism

Is your child having trouble at school? Do they fear doing things like reading aloud, writing an essay, or doing math? Here’s how to see the indicators of several sorts of learning disabilities. Your child may have a learning disability disorder. Suppose they’re having problems in school or understanding what they’re learning. Read the space carefully to learn about learning disability disorders and how homeopathy might help.

Learning challenges are caused by irregularities in brain processing, not by a lack of intelligence or motivation. These processing difficulties can affect reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and mathematics. They can also make staying organized, planning ahead of time, remembering things, and paying attention difficult.

How do Learning Disabilities affect you?

Learning disorders are caused by genetic and neurobiological variables that change brain activity and disturb cognitive processes linked with learning. Due to these processing issues, basic skills such as reading, writing, and math may be difficult to master. Higher-order skills such as organization, time management, analytical thinking, long and short-term memory, and attention can be hampered. Learning disabilities and disorders can affect relationships with family, friends, and coworkers outside the classroom.

While every child has homework problems now and again, if a certain learning area is frequently challenging, it could be a sign of learning impairment.

Learning disability disorders in children can achieve success.

It might be difficult to accept that your child may have a learning disability. No parent wishes their kids to suffer. You might be concerned about your child’s growth plans or how they will get through school. Perhaps you’re worried that bringing up your child’s learning difficulties would lead to them being called “slow” or placed in a less challenging class.

But keep in mind that most children with learning problems are just as intelligent as everyone else. They need to be taught in a way that suits their learning styles. You may help your child succeed in school and beyond by learning more about learning disabilities and disorders in general and your child’s specific learning issues.

Some of the signs and symptoms of learning disabilities and disorders include:

  • It isn’t easy to differentiate right from left
  • Reverse letters, words, or numerals after first or second grade
  • Recognizing patterns or classifying items by size or shape might be difficult
  • Understanding and following directions, as well as remaining organized, might be difficult
  • Remembering what was just said or read can be difficult
  • When moving around, there is a lack of coordination
  • Difficulty performing manual skills such as writing, cutting, or drawing
  • Understanding the concept of time is difficult

Learning disorders include, for example:

  1. Dyslexia is a reading disorder
  2. Dyscalculia is a mathematical challenge
  3. Dysgraphia is a problem with writing

Children with learning difficulties may act out, be helpless, or withdraw because they are disappointed that they cannot master a subject despite their best efforts. Emotional or behavioral disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or anxiety, can coexist with learning impairments. Several issues can limit a child’s ability to perform in school. It is critical to correctly diagnose each disorder so that the child can receive the appropriate treatment.

Reading, writing expression, mathematics, and communication skills are all affected by common learning problems.


The difficulty of understanding a spoken word as a mix of different sounds is the most common cause of reading difficulties. It can be confusing how letters represent a sound and how letter combinations form a word.

Working memory issues, or the ability to hold and manipulate information at the moment, might also be a factor.

Even if they have acquired basic reading skills, children may struggle with the following:

  • Reading at a normal speed
  • Recognizing what they’ve read
  • Having a clear memory of what they read
  • Making assumptions from what they’ve read


Dyslexia is a term used to characterize a reading learning disability and disorders, but some specialists may use it to describe only some information-processing issues that might cause reading difficulties.

Expression in writing

Writing necessitates a wide range of visual, motor, and information-processing abilities. Learning disabilities and disorders may cause the following symptoms in written expression:

  • Handwriting that is slow and laborious
  • Unclear handwriting
  • Having trouble putting my thoughts into words
  • Poorly arranged or difficult-to-understand written text
  • Spelling, grammar, and punctuation issues


A math learning disorder may cause problems with the following skills:

  • Calculating arithmetic issues 
  • Understanding how numbers function and relate to one another
  • Basic calculation memorization
  • Using mathematical symbols
  • Identifying and solving word issues
  • Organizing and documenting data while attempting to solve a math problem

Nonverbal abilities

Early in childhood, a child with a nonverbal learning disability appears to develop good basic language skills and great rote memorization skills. Visual-spatial skills, visual-motor skills, and other skills required for social or academic functioning are all affected.

The following skills may be difficult for a child with a nonverbal learning disorder:

  • In social interactions, interpreting facial expressions and nonverbal clues
  • Using suitable language in social circumstances
  • Coordination of the body
  • Fine motor skills, such as writing, are important
  • Planning, arranging and paying attention

Reading comprehension or writing expression at a higher level commonly appears in later grades.

What are the causes of learning disabilities?

The following are some of the factors that may play a role in the development of learning disorders:

  • Genetics and family history: A child’s risk of acquiring a learning issue is increased if there is a family history of learning difficulties 
  • Risks to the fetus and newborn: Learning difficulties are associated with poor uterine growth (severe intrauterine growth restriction), prenatal exposure to illegal substances, early birth, and very low birth weight
  • Trauma to the mind: Early childhood psychological trauma or abuse can impact brain development and raise the chance of learning difficulties
  • Body trauma: Head injuries or neurological diseases might cause learning difficulties
  • Exposure to the environment: Toxic exposure, such as lead exposure, has been related to increased learning impairments

Homeopathy Treatment 

Homeopathy is a non-invasive alternative treatment that helps people with various health issues. These are composed of natural materials and can be used by individuals of all ages.

Natural, side-effect-free miracles are produced by homeopathy treatment. Treatment with homeopathy is effective for acute and chronic diseases, including learning disabilities and disorders medication. It aids in treating acute disease and long-term post-viral consequences such as post-viral arthritis, asthma, influenza, etc.

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