ASD-can be treated with Homeopathy - Positive Autism

ASD can be treated with Homeopathy- Know How it does!

The study aspires to arbitrate the outcome of homeopathic treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) individually. A minimum of 10 people will be retained between 3 to 6 generations, both masculine and feminine. This study is of a descriptive case study design, with a structured interview and quantitative proportion constituents on ASD treated…

Weak Immunity - Positive Autism

Weak Immunity of Mom? Child can be Restless and Hyperactive

A five-year-old stripling was brought to Dr. A M Reddy Autism Centre with a grumble of hyperactivity, and he’s an Autistic child with restless speech holdback and no social intercourse with others. Dr. Reddy recognized the kid is facing issues due to immunity disturbances. The child was born to biological parents three years after marriage.…

Learning Disability Causes

What is Learning Disability and its Causes?

Most kids have learning disorders from birth, often known as learning impairments, suffer academically long before being diagnosed. This might have an impact on a child’s self-esteem and drive. Learn how to spot the causes of a learning disability and what you can do to aid your kid with homeopathic treatment. What precisely is a…

Mother’s Over Medication -Trigger ASD in Kids

Mother’s Over Medication Triggers ASD in Kids

A young, smart business-woman visited our clinic and said that her son had been suffering from Attention Deficiency and other Behavioral Disorders for five years. She had first noticed it at the age of 03 years. But it was diagnosed one year back by a specialist, and he said that the over- medication is the…

ADHD Symptoms in Adults _

ADHD Symptoms in Adults and Homeopathy Treatment

Three typical symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that you can see in today’s youngsters are hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsiveness. This is distinct in contrast to the children of three decades ago. They were branded as “normal” even when they let off some steam or kicked up some dirt. Read the space attentively to learn…

ADHD Syndrome - Positive Autism

What is ADHD Syndrome and its symptoms

Most parents have concern for their children’s future. They hope to raise them and guide them towards a colorful and joyful life. Parents dealing with these youngsters should take extra precautions to ensure that no stone is left unturned. Most individuals lack attention at work and passion in life; if they have ADHD, it may…

Autism and Sensory Issues

Autism and Sensory Issues Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that primarily hinders a child’s ability to communicate, learn and behave socially. Because of its wide range of symptoms the word “spectrum” has been added to it. Autism may also be associated with other disorders like ADHD, conduct disorder, dyslexia, learning disabilities, and neurosensory…

Conduct Disorder: The Story of Raj

Conduct Disorder – 14 Year Old Raj Fourteen year old Raj, was brought to the clinic by his father. It was noticed that he entered the chambers rather reluctantly and plonked himself on a patient chair, his head bending down and sitting carelessly. His father started narrating about his son’s conduct disorder. Family Background Raj…