Learning Disability Types -- Positive Autism

5 Common Learning Disability Types and Homeopathy Treatment

If your child has trouble in school or understanding content, they may face guilty situations but you might not know it is a learning disability. Learning difficulties are brain processing abnormalities, not a lack of intelligence or motivation. These processing issues can affect reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and mathematics. They can also make it…

ASD-can be treated with Homeopathy - Positive Autism

ASD can be treated with Homeopathy- Know How it does!

The study aspires to arbitrate the outcome of homeopathic treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) individually. A minimum of 10 people will be retained between 3 to 6 generations, both masculine and feminine. This study is of a descriptive case study design, with a structured interview and quantitative proportion constituents on ASD treated…