Online Consultation Services Available

Make a 3-minute video explaining your child’s problem in detail. Include the child’s behaviour and symptoms during 3 different times of the day, like morning, evening and night.

Also include changes in the behaviour of your child in different locations. For example, see the change in behaviour exhibited at home, in a playground, and inside a classroom and include it in the video.

Online consultation is conducted in 40-minute sessions.


1) 3 Minute Video
2) Behaviour during 3 different timings
3) Behaviour at 3 different locations

 Book An Appointment


    Immunotherapy has been garnering a lot of attraction in recent years as its effects have been truly remarkable. By boosting the immunity and reducing the inflammatory response in an autistic child it restores balance to the immune system thereby reducing autistic signs and symptoms.

    This extremely effective method of treatment is used to make the lives of autistic children and their parents better in many ways. The results are immediate and long-lasting.

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